About Us
The Paxton Woman's Club is a 501(c)(7) multi-generational club that was organized in 1930. Our object is to encourage civic improvement in the community, to broaden active interest in vital questions of the day, and to promote general knowledge, culture, and friendship among its members.
Our club colors are green & white which represent the hills of Paxton (green) and symbolize peace (white). Click here to read about our rich history.
The Paxton Woman's Club (PWC) meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Paxton Senior Center at 6 PM.
The PWC Executive Board meets the following Monday preceding the Regular Meeting (time & location TBA).
2023-2024 Officers
Geri Graham, President
Julie White, Vice President
Kathy Ferguson, Secretary
Carol Riches, Treasurer
Nancy Wilby, Auditor
Standing Committees
The PWC has 9 standing committees in addition to the executive board, that often work together to successfully accomplish the mission and club goals.
Click here to learn more about the committees and get involved.
Our annual membership renews each May.
Membership dues are $30 ($20 for expenses and $10 goes towards the scholarship fund).
To become a member, please complete our online membership form (Google form) and mail a check payable to:
Paxton Woman's Club
c/o Membership
92 Richards Ave., Paxton MA 01612
November 2006
This Club shall be called the Paxton Woman's Club
The object of this Club shall be to encourage civic improvement in the community, to broaden active interest in vital questions of the day, and to promote general knowledge, culture, and friendship among the members.
Any woman whose name has been proposed to the President, endorsed by two members, and voted upon shall thereby become a member of the Club. The new member will be notified of her acceptance by the Membership Committee.
Paxton residency is not a requirement for membership.
The Executive Board may recommend for Life Membership any member and the recommendation will be voted upon by the membership.
Dues shall be $20.00 a year, payable prior to, or at the Annual Meeting in May, and will be pro-rated for new members joining the Club after January 1st.
If dues have not been paid by November 1st, and the member in arrears has been duly notified by the Treasurer, this non-payment of dues shall be considered as a resignation.
The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Executive Board Recording Secretary, Regular Meeting Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor.
All officers shall be elected at the April meeting and installed at the Annual Meeting in May.
The President and Vice President shall serve a term of two consecutive years.
The Chairman of various committees with Officers of the Club shall constitute the Executive Board.
A Nominating Committee composed of a Chairman and two members shall be elected at the April meeting and installed at the Annual Meeting in May. This committee shall present a slate of all positions listed in the By-Laws to the members of the March meeting.
The Club shall meet regularly on the first Wednesday of each month from October to the May Annual Meeting (except January).
The regular meetings shall be held at a designated place.
The Annual Meeting in May shall be for the purpose of hearing the report by the President reviewing the activities and accomplishments of the Club for the year. The incoming officers will also be installed at this time.
Any regular meeting may be postponed by the President with the concurrence of the Vice-President.
Special meetings may be called at any time by the President with the concurrence of the Vice-President.
There shall be an Executive Board meeting prior to each regular meeting of the Club, unless it is deemed unnecessary by the President and Vice President, the time and place to be set by the President.
Twenty Percent (20%) of the Membership present shall constitute a quorum.
The Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Clubs by a two-thirds vote of the members present, one when copies of the proposed amendments have been presented at the preceding meeting.
November 2006
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board. She shall have the power to appoint committees and officers not provided for by the Executive Board, and to act in all emergencies.
In the absence of the President, the duties shall be performed by the Vice President.
The Secretaries shall keep an accurate record of all Executive Board and Club meetings.
The Treasurer shall collect, receive and hold all monies belonging to the Club; shall pay all bills, making disbursements from the funds of the Club under the direction of the Executive Board. She shall sign all membership cards, keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended, and be prepared to make a report of finances of the Club at each meeting of the Club and Executive Board. She shall keep a roll of members with full names, address and phone number.
The Auditor shall examine and approve all accounts and make her report at the Annual Meeting.
The Executive Board shall consist of Officers of the Club and Chairmen of the Standing Committees.
The Executive Board shall transact all business of the Club where needed, except the proposals of the Nominating and Scholarship Committee.
Nine members shall constitute a quorum.
Members may invite a guest to any meeting.
The Standing Committees of the Club shall be as follows:
Education, Hospitality, Membership, Nominating, Publicity, Scholarship, Ways & Means, and Yearbook
The Education Committee shall plan and carry out all club programs.
The Hospitality Committee shall make arrangements for the Christmas Luncheon, Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Show, as well as luncheon events and regular meeting luncheons.
The Membership Committee shall notify the Board of any person interested in becoming a member. They shall write a letter on PWC stationary welcoming them to the next meeting when they will be introduced.
The Nominating Committee shall present to the Board at the April meeting a slate of candidates for the next two years.
The Publicity Committee shall have charge of all notices and publicity of the club.
The Scholarship Committee shall have charge of awarding scholarships to deserving students.
The Ways & Means Committee supervise the raising of general funds and work with the Scholarship Committee on Scholarship Fund raising projects.
The Yearbook Committee shall compile all necessary data and have the yearbook printed.
The following committees have been eliminated: Arts & Crafts, Community Service, Courtesy, Garden & Conservation, Home Life and Transportation.
Scholarships shall be awarded at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee and the President ex-officio.
The recipients shall be residents of Paxton including high school boy and girl as well as from vocational schools.
They shall be chosen on the combined merits of character, citizenship, dependability, scholastic standing, and need.
Application for scholarship must be made in writing to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee not later than April 15th. and the application shall be for one year. A former scholarship recipient is not eligible to apply.
The check shall be written to order of the college or institution that recipient is to attend.
The amount of the Scholarship shall be decided annually by the Scholarship Committee depending upon available funds.
The Scholarship Committee shall consist of six members plus the President. The Chairman shall be selected by the Nominating Committee to serve a term of two years.
Any income over and above the amount used for the Scholarship shall be added to the Scholarship Fund held in the bank.
The Scholarship Committee and the Ways & Means Committee shall supervise the earning of money for the fund.
The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a to-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of intended change has been given at a previous meeting and the members notified in writing.
Roberts Rules of Order, revised shall be used as a guide by the Club.
The Club year shall begin at the end of the annual meeting in May.